Sunday, January 24, 2016

UAS Research: Weeding Out a Solution

The problem resulted from a miss-understand of information distributed to the team’s members. During the system design, coordination and communication between the two subsystems are the most. The customer requirements have to be satisfied. Date-times for delivery the system, and the engineers should consider the variables affecting the system performance before cost reduction is bringing to the table. Purchasing off-the-shelf hardware rather than a custom design was a bad decision. Now they have to probably re-design the system to the original performance specification (Sutherland, June 2015). The systems engineers’ director should figure out the origin of the problem, what communication could have miss-understood.  Considering that the system is at the middle stage is right after the technology prototype development and not yet at the full-scale hardware and software development, where the two sub-levels still can be modified their design, by considering  changes in operational procedures and with the option to considered technical materials modifications (University, October 2015).
Development of the system that complied with the customer needs. Meet with the customer and to explain him/her the situation and recommending solutions, including delivery times and cost increased. The systems engineer should address the possibility to increase the gross weight capacity of the system for futures UAS projects. 
There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is the shift engineer should call the two sub-groups together and request to work in the initial design of the system.  The second is that the hardware to be used should reduce weight and resolving the weight problem, therefore, the good news is the two sub-systems are working and the system has not been developed yet. Corrections can be done to the delivery sub-system.  The Systems engineer director should integrate to the safety engineers on solving the problem and request them to find the way to manage the fuel more efficient while mitigating safety risk. Errors at the middle and at the end of the system development cost too much money and time-consuming, making changes and re-design. This system is already on the stage where hardware can be re-pleased or modified, to satisfied the requirements of the customer. The director Engineer should order to design the off-the-shelf hardware and resolve the weight problem. The main priority here is to correct the weight issue to satisfy the customer.
The prospects for “next generation, enhance”
The solutions of the problem are: Consider if to stay with the original design where the initial customer requirements will be satisfied, or to re-design the system and improvement the gross weight and system performance, for new UAS designs that could go to the UAS markets as a “next generation” these new vehicles with enhanced futures will be more capable than previous generations of the UAS.        


Sutherland, B. (June 2015). Safe Operational Integration of UAS Drones in national Airspace.
University, E. R. (October 2015). Global System Design Concepts, Concepts, Requirements, and Specifications Overview.

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