Sunday, November 15, 2015

The goal of Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the modernization of our air space System with precise monitoring of the skies using satellites through the integration of innovated technology. This system will help to save time and reduce emissions considerably. It has been seen to improve future of aviation by solving a lot of problems presented in the NAS. The NextGen system promises predictable system for taxing, take offs, approaches and departures of flights. It will also provide predictable flight paths and direction of the flight on the runways. The use of satellite base on precision routes, enables technology as GPS to permit air traffic efficiently. ATCs will see all air traffic in the skies reducing risk of human errors. Information of weather, wind, and traffic can be accessed by the pilot at all times. Delays will be reducing by 41% and reducing billions of tons in carbon emissions (FAA, 2013).
The UAS systems will receive the benefit after the 2018 to reduce the strict limitations for the integration in to NAS. (mitrecorp, 2011). One of the main reasons is the lack of communication and the UAS pilot. With the NextGen major developments in the system platforms will allow UAS GCSs to share real time flying and a two way communication with the ATCs that will help the integration of UAS into NAS. Actually the sensors don’t perform to a level of (TLS). It must operate under a lost link connection. The level of safety (TLS) the FAA is looking for is less than 1 accident in a 100 million. In the RQ-7B shadow (UAV) simulator time has shown the use of very sophisticated sensors as the POP300D which complies with the minimum index of safety (TLS). It is the necessary requirement by the FAA for this drone to be integrated in to the Nacional Airspace System.
Collision avoidance is considered by comparing the two types of flying, the plan flown by a pilot with a visual scan of 180 degrees that allows the pilot to see incoming traffic, while for the UAV it uses the link of communications relying on sensors and it works as sense and avoid using preprogramed procedures by the GCS (Sheery, 2013). Some of the human factors that can be predicted with the implementation of the NextGen is traveling will be easier, safer and with less delays during bad weather and reducing congestion on the NAS.
The implementation of the NextGen, will benefit the pilot considerably. It will assist them in different missions in our UAS. Improvements will be offered in US border patrolling, rebuilding oil pipe lines, monitoring roads, fire control, and home land security surveillance.


FAA, T. (2013, February 15). youtube. Retrieved November 5, 2015, from Gate to gate: NextGen explaineed:
Lance, S. (2011, August 17). youtube. Retrieved November 05, 2015, from Integration UAS into NextGen systems:
Mitrecorp. (2011, august 17). youtube. Retrieved November 5, 2015, from Integration UAS intoNextGen system: hppt;//
Sheery, L. (2013, May 8). youtube. Retrieved November 05, 2015, from Design of sense and avoid standards for RQ-7B shadowunder lost link: http;//

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